eBay Authorization Consent Form

Thank you for your interest in our EDI2XML connector for eBay integration service.
EDI2XML connector, connects to eBay’s REST API, and allows us to read or write the information from the eBay account.

To be able to access the data of an eBay partner, eBay requires an Authorization consent, based on an automated process, where the owner of an eBay store provides OAuth approval, to allow EDI2XML apps to have access to the data.

The following process will guide through the Authorization Consent process. The process has the following steps:
1 – The owner of the eBay store would login to eBay store by clicking on the “Start” button below.
2 – Once the owner of the store logs in to eBay, the automatic Authorization process is kicked-off by eBay. Please follow the steps, and click I accept.
3 – Once the Authorization process with eBay is completed, it will return you back to EDI2XML Seller registration for. Please fill up the mandatory fields, before we can conclude the process. Once the tenant’s data is filled up on the form, please remember to accept the term, and click the “Finish” button.
4 – Clicking the “Finish” Button will take you to a Thank You screen. This will end the Authorization process.

Click Start button to login to your eBay Account and start the Authorization process, or Cancel to Quit